
An implant-retained overdenture may be indicated in patients with changed anatomy, neuromuscular disorders, significant gag reflex or considerable ridge resorption (Vere, Bhakta, Patel, 2012).

Implant-retained overdentures may reduce residual ridge resorption and enhance mastication and hence nutritional status, improve speech and patient self-esteem (Doundoulakis et al, 2003).



This patient initially presented with both upper laterals fractured at the gum line (Fig. 1). Teeth 26 and 24 were missing.

Figure 1

Intraoral examination indicated evidence of generalised moderate to severe periodontitis.

The following options were discussed with the patient:

  1. Full denture
  2. Partial denture
  3. Bar-retained full denture
  4. Replacement of missing /unrestorable teeth with implant/crowns.

The patient decided on option 4 with a view of option 3 in the future.

For the full case study, download the document above.

Southern Cross Dental would like to thank Dr Cameron Castle, Bundaberg, Queensland for his case submission. Dr Castle has a restoratively-based practice specialising in complex rehabilitation of debilitated dentitions.